Marine Scientists ask Tiger Woods not to destroy Bahamas beach

Released on: August 27, 2008, 9:37 am

Press Release Author:

Industry: Environment

Press Release Summary: Young Bahamian Marine Scientists urge Bahamas Prime Minister
Hubert Ingraham to stop land and sea dredging for the Tiger Woods Albany Bahamas

Press Release Body: Nassau, Bahamas (August 20, 2008) -

In an open letter to Bahamas Prime Minister, Hubert Ingraham, the Young Bahamian
Marine Scientists (YMBS) organization urged The Bahamas Government to immediately
stop land and sea dredging at the Tiger Woods Albany Bahamas project.

\"As young future leaders, we refuse to sit back and passively watch the destruction
of our resources, which include, but are not limited to, beaches, wetlands,
coastlines, reef systems and our fresh water resources,\" said YBMS.

Albany Bahamas\' million dollar homes, golf course and marina will sit on what has
been identified by experts, as Nassau\'s most plentiful fresh water repository. The
\"groundwater lens\" is a layer of fresh water that collects around five feet below
ground. A mile long channel is planned to permanently cut one of the longest
beaches in Nassau in half.

In their letter, YBMS said, \"In view of the fact that the damage to the beaches and
coasts is permanent, we urge you to act swiftly.\" They were referring to the
ongoing dredging and destruction at Adelaide beach for the Tiger Woods Albany marina
and golf course.

YBMS wrote, \"Over the years, the Bahamian Government has stated that coastal
ecosystems, including wetlands, beaches and coral reefs, are among the countrys
most valuable assets.\"

The YBMS group urged The Bahamas Government to act swiftly as the damage being done
to the beach, coastline and the water table for the Tiger Woods development was

YBMS is not the only organization to speak out against the Tiger Woods Bahamas
project. In a recent interview in The Bahamas, US water and hazardous chemical
specialist Samuel Sage also expressed concern over the environmental damage being
done by the Tiger Woods project. He outlined that access for Bahamians to a
consistent and affordable water supply could be threatened by Tiger Woods Albany
Bahamas development.

In their letter to the Bahamas Prime Minister, YBMS questioned the unsustainable
practices of the Government, and urged them to take action to preserve The Bahamas
for future generations.
For more information on the Tiger Woods Albany Bahamas development, visit and see the Albany Bahamas section.

For more information, please contact:
reEarth Bahamas
P.O. Box N-302
Nassau, Bahamas
Phone: 242-393-7604

Web Site:

Contact Details: reEarth Bahamas
P.O. Box N-302
Nassau, Bahamas
Phone: 242-393-7604

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